OHS, Breiant Youth Alliance Sponsor Successful Career Expo
By Cara Matthews, Patch Contributor. Originally appearing in the Ossining-Croton-On-Hudson, NY on
Feb 18, 2020
Ossining High School recently had a wonderful opportunity to partner with David Post and his team from Brieant Youth Alliance for a Career Expo. A total of seven speakers met with students from various grade levels over two days in December.

Charles Brieant Community Center Will Honor Ossining Students
The Charles L. Brieant Community Center is honoring Ossining High School and Middle School students for their scientific achievements and their efforts to embrace diversity.
Ossining Groups Sponsor Free Music Camp
The executive director of the Brieant Community Center is partnering with Ossinings Communities That Care to provide a free summer Music and Nutrition Camp for middle school students at First Presbyterian Church in Ossining. The three-week course got under way Monday, and Fulton said space is still available for Briarcliff Manor and Ossining students.