Veronica Galindo, an Ossining resident and student teacher at Ossining High School, is the after-school program Director for The Future Young Leaders Academy at Ossining High School, a fully funded program sponsored by the Brieant Youth Alliance. The Future Young Leaders Academy is geared towards challenging and empowering OHS students in the 9th grade by providing them with the skills and motivation necessary to positively influence their own lives and the lives of those in their community. The Future Young Leaders Academy is a 10-week after school program that encourages students to develop and practice leadership skills which include: communication, leadership, teamwork, respect, and problem solving to name a few. The program includes engaging sessions and fun activities focused on a variety of student related topics to help them discover their own leadership potential. Community Service, giving back to others, is at the heart of this leadership program and our goal was to have students engage in an act of service for others in their community. So on Saturday, May 5th, 2018 students participated in the FIRST ANNUAL OHS DAY of SERVICE event. Students and their peers volunteered with their parents at 8 different locations throughout Ossining sharing the leadership skills and comradery that they have acquired. If you see them in the community, please thank them and Veronica for what they are doing and donate for the cause that is close to their hearts.  

The Brieant Youth Alliance would like to thank our Supporters and Hosts: